Monday, November 4, 2013

Rough Night Last Night

Posting early this morning, so I don't forget this feelings and more importantly, so I don't eat them away.

  • exhausted
  • disappointed
  • angry
  • sickish

I caved late last night and ate sugar.  I wouldn't call it a full out binge, but I definitely ate what I shouldn't have.  I went to bed early, because I was really craving candy.  I woke up at 12:30 and caved.  The good news it, I feel pretty in control this morning.  I'm not sure why?  Usually, when I have a night like last night - I feel like eating the minute I wake up.  Eating junk.  I use it to get through the above emotions and tiredness.  I don't *think* I'm going to do that today.  I feel like I have lost the last 5 days and I'm not going to let a one time mess up - set be back.  (i HOPE)

So - I'm going to be really extreme, rigid even, with the eating today.  I'm going to drink lots of water and take a nap.  I'm going to go for a run this morning and then come home and work.  

We have a couple of big meetings this week, that would really help our financial situation.  I'm trying to not worry obsessively, but Christmas is coming and I feel the pressure.  

I plan to continue this post later this evening - after I've accomplished the above.  

Until then…

Today is over -as far as the eating goes.  I made it.  :)

Allen had his first day of basketball try-outs today.  He was super nervous and I was more nervous than that.

I absolutely can.not believe that is time for my child to be trying out for JV basketball.  Time is a racer.

I went with Isabell to cross country today.  Because of the time change, there was no way to run the trails.  It was dark by 6:20 pm and I would have broke my neck.  I did go for a jog/walk on the sidewalk where it was well lit.

I'm really tired and don't feel deprived, so I hope to not wake up tonight and want to eat.  Wednesday, I'll weigh in and take another picture.  I'm super curious what the scale says, but I have to admit - staying off it has been so good for me!


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